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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Puberty, Cleverness, and Candle Wax

Ok, once again, it's been a couple of months. But BOY do I have some "tripletisms" to share.....

Let's start with Abbey. You should be warned, the minute you find out you're pregnant with a girl, that it's going to be a roller coaster of emotions!
Yes, I am and was a girl, but I don't remember the emotions! WOW. Ok, my kids heard the word "puberty" and asked me what that was. SO, I told them what any sane mother would tell her 7 year old triplets; "It's when your voice becomes a little different." That's it. I didn't go into any other details! SOMEHOW though, my daughter learned that "boobs" are also a part of puberty. Not sure where that came from - still under investigation! So, she pulled up her shirt the other night, and asked me if I thought they looked any bigger!
Then, later she came to me and said "Look at how long my legs are getting!"
"Wow," I said "they sure are!"
She said "Look at how long my arms are! I for sure have a little bit of puberty! By the way mommy, does my voice sound different to you? Listen to me sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for a minute."
Yes, my little girl is in the midst of wanting to be big, yet still being very little! It was cute and sad all at the same time! I played along, and said "yes, I guess you are getting MAYBE a very little tiny bit of puberty, but you still have a LONG way to go baby!"

Later that night, as I was tucking them in, and saying prayers with them, I came to my little girl, and she asked me more questions about puberty. I answered as age apporpriate as I could, then said "don't grow up too fast honey. Someday you'll wish you DIDN"T get puberty."
She thought a minute, and then the tears came. The came in a torrentual downpour! I asked "Whats wrong? you were just smiling and pumping your fist in the air, cuz you were happy about getting bigger! Why are you crying!?" I was truly perplexed......Then she said "I don't want to be big. I want to still be your baby, and not grow up!"
My heart broke for her. I'm not sure what she's going through right now. But I know I need to tread carefully. I'm not sure what to say, yet I feel the need to just hold her more than say anything.
I ended up letting her come to my room, and cuddle. I let her be my baby for the night. And the next day? She had her babies out, and was diapering them up, and playing little mommy again. Not another word about puberty.

I love holding on to the innosence. Trevor is a little mommy's boy right now. He constantly worries about me, asking "Is mommy ok?"
"Yes Trevor"
he replies "Ok, just checking"
I asked him one day "Why are you always coming back from inside, or into the room I'm in just to ask if I'm ok honey?" and he told me at first that he didn't want to say. I told him whatever it was, it's ok, that I was just curious.
He then told me "I'm just afraid that I'm going to look for you , and you'll be dead."
UGH. I think this past Mothers Day when I shared my testimony, he caught on to more than he ever has. I can't think why else he would have that in his head. Maybe it's the age? I dunno. Whatever the reason, it broke my heart. I assured him that I'm not going anywhere.
You may ask, "how can you say that? You don't know what tomorrow holds!" But I do know Who holds my hand! I know that I've almost died before, but HE brought me back into living!
I've been septic, and He's healed me! I've had a brain tumor, and He took it away and left scar tissue just to prove that He did something with something! So, yes, I feel that I can say with some assurance, that He has a plan, and that the plan for me is to raise my babies!
Trevor is a smart boy though. Not much gets by him. He's always coming up with questions that you would think ' really? and you're only seven?' ha ha
But then, he's the one that gets the most into the whole Santa business! Last year, my brother and sister in laws kids told my kids that Santa is dead. I told them "He's dead for them, but not for us." and they were ok with that. They just trust what I say. Recently, my sister and one of my best friends had a discussion that I stayed out of. Neither ever let their kids believe in Santa, they just "played" Santa. That's fine. I'm not knocking that at all! After all, Jesus is the real reason for Christmas.
But the reason behind my sisters thinking, was that if she let her kids believe in Santa, only to find out he's not real, then they'd grow up wondering if she lied to them about Jesus too!
I believed in Santa till I was 7 or 8 and then found out that Santa was my mom and dad. I was fine with that. Since then, any questioning of my faith came from the natural growing process, not from my parents letting me believe in Santa as a child. That NEVER once entered my mind. SO, I think I'll let them keep that innocense just a little bit longer.
As we went to the fire hall to see Santa the other night, we were walking to the door, and Trevor wanted to know if it was the real Santa inside. I reminded him that Santa has lots of helpers, so it could be that it was one of the helpers. Then he said "Well, if it's the real Santa, where'd he put his sleigh?" LOL Then they all decided that it was either a helper, or that Santa didn't bring the sleigh knowing that there'd be no place to park it, because the streets where too full with cars!

We were late getting decorations up for Christmas this year. But they are finally up! It was Dylans year to put the star on the tree, Trevor did it last year, and next year is Abbey. They just started asking last year to do it, so we are now taking turns. They all love to help decorate, and they love the candles and houses mommy puts out. I'll light candles, and they want to blow them out.
So, at night before we go to bed, I let them blow them. The other night, I was in the bathroom, and Trevor followed me in and was having a chat, not caring that I was "doing my business" as he calls it! LOL
All of a sudden we heard blood curdling screams from both his brother and his sister! He ran out to see what was happening, and at the same time Abbey came in crying hysterically about Dylan getting something in his eye! I got out of her, that she didn't know what had happened, but when she heard her brother scream and hold his eye, she was afraid for him, and started screaming and crying too!
I went to find out what happened, and Dave told me that Dylan was helping blow out candles, and had blown on one too hard, and some wax blew back at him in the face! My poor baby got hot wax on his eyelid and cheeck, and it wasn't pretty! He turned out to be ok. It hurt, but I think it was more scary than anything! I was holding him, and getting residual wax off his cheek, and he was starting to calm down. Abbey came to sit beside us and was having a hard time controlling her tears. I told her that he was "fine, and that he'd even stopped crying, so don't worry!"
Just then, he started to have this deep saddness kind of cry, and she said "he's still crying!" So she joined in. Dylan said "But it's not about that!" Abbey and I both asked him "what's it about then?"
Well, he told me he wanted to tell me in my ear. Which is a very poplular thing right now around here to do! He and I went back to my room, and I knelt in front of him and asked him why he was so utterly sad if it didn't hurt so much anymore?
I had already even told him he could stay in my room for the night, and I could keep an eye on his eye!
He looked at my with all his seven years, and wailed "because I'm afraid when I'm sleeping with you, that while we're asleep, I"M GONNA DIIIIEEEEEee!" and he fell into my arms.
OH, how my heart broke for him!!! I held him and said "Oh honey, you are NOT going to die. You're fine. I promise you that you will NOT be dying." That's all it took. He just trusted that, and as he held on to my neck for dear life, he simply replied through his tears "Oookay Momma!"

It's occures to me every once in a while, moreso at times like these than at others, that I have three little beings that totally trust me. They totally trust what I say and what I do! I'm praying that I can be the person they need me to be. That I'm the mom that God intends for me to be. That I teach them His ways, while instilling in them what a loving God He is. That I correct them, while letting them know that it's only because I love them and want them to be good people. That although I'll screw up, more than I'd like, that I'll be a big enough person to admit my faults to them, and work things out together. But that their faith will always be in God before me. I'm not totally sure how to do all of this, but I'm working on it............