Welcome to T.A.D.ay in the Life!

Welcome to T.A.D.ay in the Life!
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Sunday, January 08, 2006


Our dear friend and sister in Christ died today. Yesterday I went to see her. I can't beleive that her health failed so quickly. It just seems so unfair. While I was there yesterday, I wasn't sure what to say to her, and she couldn't talk to me. When she saw me, she immediately wanted to write something to me, but didn't have the strength. So, I sat down, took her hand, and sang to her. Opal LOVED music, she even wrote some songs, and they were GOOD.
She responded to the music, and wanted to get comfy, and turned toward me.
Today, I went back up, and was going to sing to her some more after church, after I fed the kids.
I got there too late. Opal was gone Home. Jill was with me and the kids and we cried the whole way home, listening to the Untitled Hymn, which I sang at church that morning for Opal. Carl asked me to sing it along with The King Is Coming at the funeral, which I am honored to do. I was hoping he would ask. It will be hard, because I loved her so, but I really want to do it.
When we got home, and I was getting the kids ready for a nap, Dylan told me "Don't worry mommy, Opal is in the sun, she's with Jesus."
He had heard Jill and I talking about the sun finally shining today, and that it must be for Opal. He put that together, and said what he did. Little did he know how profound his little statement to me was. What a sweet boy.
I Love You Opal, and I Miss You.........Can't wait to see you again someday.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Genesis 1:1

We started Family Devotions tonight. We've always prayed with them, sang, and/or learned scripture. But today I got a specific book for devotions for 4-7 yr olds. It has a story, a Bible Verse that they learn doing motions, an activity, and then a song to go along with the Bible Verse/Story. It was a blast. It's from Focus on the Family, and they loved it. So did we.
We sat and I read the story. Then Dave read the Bible Verse, Genesis 1:1 and told us the motions to do, then me and the kids sang the song and danced around the living room (it came with a CD also)!!! There is an activity of planting a flower seed, which we will do this week sometime. But we decided to do the same story etc, for a whole week. That way they will learn the verse and song for sure. It was great!!!